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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Childhood Trauma and Vaccine Hesitancy

 "Circumstances don't make the man, they only reveal him to himself." - Epictetus

 "Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Linked to Childhood Trauma" - headline of a lead story in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

To which I thought "Duh", people whose trust in authority figures has been broken don't trust authority figures anymore.  

When you go through life on "happy autopilot", you might be willing to do whatever you are told, without ever wondering if the "authorities" have your best interest in mind.


Marc said...

Lots and lots of questions about the timing, vaccine efficacy, boosters(how many is enough), etc. Have family members who opted for the jab, but no boosters. I abstained, and have read a lot about the vaccines and VAERS, and inaccuracies of government data. Plus more. Might end up in a quarantine camp some day, but the fact remains...God is in control. When He determines it's my time then nothing or no one will stop it. There was a time, long ago, when some, perhaps most, politicians could be trusted. This is no longer the case, sadly. The push for vaccines is proof of that, and the fact that the FDA would not permit the medical industry to use medicines that have been proven to work. Trust? Yeah, I don't think so. The government will have to earn that.

Mark said...

Thanks for the comment! Sometimes it feels like this is throwing a hundreds of messages into a bottles and rarely hearing anything back.

There was, up until very recently, a full on media propaganda push: Pro-vaccine, pro-mandate, silencing of critics, wrecking of careers, demonization of people with differing opinions. The data has always been there - it's just been suppressed.

"Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi." They are currently using this on the trucker convoy in Canada. If you ever wondered whether you would have gone along with tyranny in the 1930's in Germany, look to Canada right now. What is happening with their government does not resemble how a strong democracy behaves.

Data from Israel is instructive. The only people there who haven't been vaccinated 3-4 times have medical complications that won't allow it. And yet they have just had a massive covid spike.

You don't see this sort of issue in populations vaccinated against Polio or Measles, do you? People have to be really ignorant to not see that the Covid vaccines aren't that great. I won't say they are useless - that's the cautious side of me that doesn't want to be banned LOL.

Marc said...

The government in Canada would do well to study history. One of the best things the prime minister can do now is meet with the truckers and just sit, shut up, and listen to them. Truly listen. I probably mentioned this before, but I attending some traumatic brain injury support groups, via zoom. It amazes me how short minded they all are, listening solely to main stream media. The entire left coast appears to be that way. I suspect the President, CDC, FDA, among others, could come out with a public statement saying all clear and no more mandates. All those in the meetings wouldn't believe it. Needless to say, I've cut down the number of times each week I attend. Oh, there's a lot less talk of the long term effects of the vaccine and boosters, and there's talk of a fourth vaccine. Unbelievable! Just a bunch of sheep. I can see the elderly, and those with existing illnesses, or who are living with immunocompromised deciding to get the jab. I'll stick to my regimen of vitamins, etc. Israel is a good example of one side of things and India is sort of an example of the opposite. In India one can buy the necessary medicine to fight COVID and over the counter. Only time will tell how bad things might get.

Anonymous said...

I got the vax. And the double and the boost. It wasn't that bad. Not scared of the Covid. Lit-uh-rally. My 82 year old mama has is right now and I see her every day. Fuck it. With a sandpaper condom. But really. If I'm not scared of the Covid, not scared of the vax.

Just did it for business reasons. Still end up "deploying" for certain projects. And the clients want me to observe their EHS requirements. So fuck it. Figure it's like wearing steel toes. Did 6 months in a very hairy part of the ME (very Muslim, terror warnings saying don't go there). So, the head chopping danger was higher than the Covid (and we were the Covid hot spot of the country). But even the head chopping was not that dangerous as long as you weren't stupid. And it was a fucking adventure.

Oh...and you would have loved the valves and shit. More high tech than nuclear. All kinds of titanium and superalloy and the like. Monel was cheap! High pressure oxygen for gold processing. Lot of money in gold. ;)