This past week we finally got serious about it.
I've wanted a concrete sidewalk to the shop since we bought the house, and finally it's done. There was one thing that had to be taken care of first, however, and that was to locate the septic tank lid.
Typically a home buyer will insist that the previous owner have the septic tank pumped out. We didn't have that option, because we bought the house "as-is" out of foreclosure from the bank. At that time the house was just four years old, so we saw no point in having the septic tank pumped immediately.
Currently the house is now about 10 years old, and the septic tank A) needed to be pumped and B) Needed to have the lid located, so that we didn't cover it with a concrete walkway. We contacted a local service to perform the work. It took the guy nearly an hour to locate the lid, and another 45 minutes to dig down over a foot and remove it.
The lid was a thick concrete disk, and it was broken in several places around the edge. The tech believed it was probably buried in this broken condition. After the septic tank was pumped, we had the service technician install an extension above the opening, so that the lid can be easily located and opened next time around.
With the septic tank located and pumped, we could move on to working on the walkway.
The issues:
- The previous owner put down gravel without first putting down weed barrier fabric. Where the sprinklers soak the gravel, we get weeds. There are too many weeds to deal with, and spraying them ends up killing grass, but not the weeds.
- The large rocks that keep the gravel and grass segregated are a nightmare to weed-whack every time I mow, and they provide lots of crevices for weeds to grow against.
- The gravel gets shot out of the snowblower into the grass during winter months. Then in the summer months, the lawnmower shoots them out and punctures the siding on the house and shop. Really this arrangement is a pain in the butt.
Opposite angle, from shop to the deck.
View from the fire pit behind the house. The green lid of the septic tank is above and left of the fire pit.

Below, the far side stairs. So many weeds!
Located a sprinkler line and buried it much deeper, so they could lay down a deep base of crushed gravel.
Initial depth and slope partially excavated.
Reverse view, toward the house.
View across the deck.
Forms installed. Laying out the rebar.
First pour!
The next three show where the new concrete walkway diverges from the previous gravel walkway.
The center part with the fire pit and septic lid. This area will hopefully be lawn shortly.
My part of the job so far (besides writing a large check to the concrete contractor), removing the large stones. Next up, removing gravel, leveling, and seeding.
Filled in some of the hollowed-out area with potting soil. Need to get it seeded before weeds set in!
This project ended up being a three-part post. It was a big job.
Ooops! Deleted your comment by accident Eric! Thanks for dropping by and putting up a note!
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