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Tuesday, November 08, 2022

It begins...

 "Most men ebb and flow in wretchedness between the fear of death and the hardships of life; they are unwilling to live, and yet they do not know how to die." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

 I have to say, the stoic quote today is pretty harsh and judgemental.  Can't say whether that's a valid observation or not, at least in modern times.  Most people seem to be obsessed with work or, obsessed with conspicuous consumption.  Me, I like gaming, learning stuff, and a few hobbies.

 The snow and cold have arrived!  I got the snow tires on the Subie and the plow mounted to the truck with all the sand bags in the back - just in time.   Look at those shiny new rims and tires on the Subie after photo!

The day after swapping to the snow tires, the commute to work was snowy.  And as always, it's a bit unnerving the first time of the year, as the car floats around a bit through the snow at higher speeds.  You get used to it over the winter, but it's always a bit of a heart palpitation the first time out.

And that brings the joys of bringing a bunch of water into the garage.  I started the dehumidifier to keep the rusting of my tools to a minimum.

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