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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Nuisance Birds

I took this picture today from my car.  This is in a neighbor's front yard.

The toms are really noisy, and displaying to run each other off.  I'm not really fond of turkeys, partly because they aren't native here.

They are tough and gamey to eat, and they will scratch your yard down to bare dirt in short order if you don't run them off.  They won't stay away for very long after you run off, so you have to do that frequently.

Occasionally an entire flock will block the road for a while.  Sometimes a driver will get fed up and just run them over.  It's not like they are endangered - it's common to see a hen with a dozen chicks following along.  They must lay a ton of eggs each year.

We need more bobcats and cougars to rein these things in a little.

1 comment:

Eric said...

We have alot of turkeys here in Lake county also. Luckily my property is not on their game trail. Several people put out feed for them so they stay in those areas. I just wish I could keep the deer from coming thru the property.