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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Joint government/commercial censorship

 "Modern man is a prisoner who thinks he is free because he refrains from touching the walls of his dungeon." - Nicholas Gomez Davila

 I happened to see this video recently, and thought that it would be worthy of sharing.  It's about how a group of internet shit-posters at the Satire Website "The Babylon Bee" found themselves in the crosshairs of the government.  Their crime?  Being politically incorrect and offending those in power - who are authoritarians at heart.

The way for the government to get around the First Amendment in the US - Freedom of speech - is to collude with a private company and have the private company suppress/delete what those in power dislike.  This problem needs to be dealt with, and so do the people behind it.  Right now we merely have an interruption of where this is likely going in the future.


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