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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Don't get your health advice from... Doctors!

 "How soon time will cover all things." - Marcus Aurelius

Helpful article from Science Alert:  "Alarming Study Shows How Doctors Can Be An Insidious Source Of Misinformation". 

Who am I to disagree?

Below:  The original MAiD.  If he were around today, he could be advising Canada's Health Minister!

Let's begin with a study that says Medical Errors are the third leading cause of death in the US.  If my financial advisor was that horrible, I'd take my financial advice from someone else.  Same for my healthcare advice.

 Doctors said that MRNA vaccines would prevent Covid-19 and the transmission of Covid-19 - and they have since scrubbed those early web pages.  At the same time, they downplayed the risks associated with these novel (and EMERGENCY USE ONLY) vaccines - clotting, myocarditis, stroke, palsy, neurological disorders, etc, etc, etc.  

Before the discovery of h. pylori, an incredibly tough bacterium that can survive in stomach acid, the medical approach for peptic ulcers was to surgically remove them - never bothering to determine what had caused them in the first place.  Turns out it was usually caused by h. pylori bacterial infection, which could have been treated with antibiotics instead of surgery.  And of course surgery never corrected the underlying infection.

Doctors also claimed that eating dietary fat was causing obesity, rather than refined sugars.   They had diabetics eating fructose because it didn't trigger an insulin response.  Fructose, by the way, is a chronic toxin, similar in toxicity to alcohol.  

Doctors similarly at one point recommended eating dietary trans fats over saturated fats - for which they *still* have not acknowledged their error or apologized.

In the brief time I attended college, I met enough pre-med students to know that doctors are no better than you or I.  And if one of those pre-med students was cheating off my math tests, that means she was even stupider than I am - so why should I take her advice?

Here's a quote from an anonymous doctor:

"Patients who think Dr. Google makes them experts in all health matters, are in reality complete dumbasses.  They will insist even when they are so wrong, that they know better.  I wish we could just do whatever patients desired.  The deaths would be hilarious.  That's what the AMA (American Medical Association) is for, I suppose.

I will say there needs to be more focus on clinical skills and reading patient history though (ER is often terrible for this).  So often it's just straight to CT.  More money for me though."

Solid suggestion:  Don't get your health advice from an arrogant and greedy jerk.


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