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Friday, January 28, 2022

The difference

 "Envy of other people shows how they are unhappy.  Their continual attention to others' behavior shows how they are boring." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

 I always seem to end up working with people like Seneca described - constantly concerned about what I'm up to.  I have neither the interest nor energy to concern myself with other people's activities, and it's always seemed weird when people pry and snoop into my activities and personal life.  I'm not that interesting, even though I have interesting interests :)

Now to the purpose of this post:  I was reading a forum today, and one of the commenters made a great point about the difference between pro-vaccine mandate people and anti-vaccine mandate people.  

Pro-Vax people attempt to silence others, rather than have a debate.  Their most frequent logical fallacy is "Appeal To Authority" - not scientific studies, but proclamations from bureaucrats at government agencies, and deeply compromised "fact-checkers".  To my knowledge, nobody in the anti-vaccine camp is calling to de-platform anyone from having an opinion, but nearly everyone on the pro-vaccine side is.  That's a pretty significant difference.

 Just ask Joe Rogan.  I'm sure Spotify is under tremendous pressure to silence the guy.  Maybe the government will pay off Spotify with enough money to entice them to cancel Rogan's $100 million contract. 

Nobody on the anti-vaccine side is demanding that the pro-vaccinators stop taking injections, or telling them what they should do with their bodies.  They are just insisting on the right to be free to make their own medical choice(s).

So at the end of the day, it's really about authoritarianism, and not about a vaccine that doesn't work very well.  One side insists that they know what's best for everyone, and everyone better damn well obey and not ask questions.  The other side is saying "Leave me the f*ck alone.".  I mean really?  Vaccine cards to move about, when you can still spread disease?  That's authoritarianism disguised as a health measure.

Unfortunately, on both sides of this, there are horrible people cheering when those on the other side are stricken with illness or die.  The legacy media is deeply involved in making this "us vs. them" schism even worse.  They are also unified in their voice that alternative voices be silenced, rather than allowing an open debate.  

A free society should encourage honest debate, but it appears that the legacy media has no interest in that sort of society.  There is nothing stopping any of the major news networks from copying Joe Rogan's format:  Find an inquisitive interviewer and bring on interesting guests, and encourage the guest to share his ideas for three hours, with back and forth questions.  How hard would it be to do that?

It's preferable for legacy media to host a war-mongering scumbag from DC to justify war for five minutes instead, it seems.  Their business model appears to be telling everyone what DC wants us to hear.  The job of media once was to question public figures and their declarations.  Now it's to amplify them and to ignore conflicting opinions and news.  It's been amazing to watch the change, and kind of freaky.  But if you simply recall that all of them are owned by mega corporations sucking on the government and pharma tit, it begins to make more sense.


Marc said...

Great post. Enjoyed reading it. My thoughts are very much the same, but would add "follow the money". Who is to gain, and is gaining, on the patents associated with the vaccine and boosters? The other question I would ask is: how many boosters will it take?. I'm not for or necessarily against vaccines but free choice to make my own decision. In the past year I've spent about 6 hours each day reading about the vaccines and boosters, and just about everything associated with them. It's sad and disappointing to see/hear so many people just following what they see/hear on main stream media. I made sort of an opposing comment, to try and get a discussion going, during a brain injury support group meeting and was quickly told "you can't say that here". Needless to say, I won't be attending that group meeting again. Free speech is a constitutional right in this country. One of the others attending the same meeting, after I made my comment and was shut down, said "I heard on the news...". Some will only listen to what they see/hear on TV and the news instead of doing any of their own research. I look forward to the time when Pfizer has to release the makeup of their vaccine and boosters (supposedly in 8 months), per court order. My guess is Pfizer, among others, will do as they always do and pay whomever they need to, however much they need to, in order to delay releasing that information. Again, I enjoyed this post.

Mark said...

Good point about the money. At the end of the day, all of these click-bait news articles are about money. Silencing conflicting views (whether about war, vaccine, oil drilling, pollution, politicians) is about keeping money rolling as it has been.

Sorry to hear about your experience with the group. That's why I blog, because nobody gets to say that my thoughts aren't correct, or that I'm not seeing what I'm seeing - known as gaslighting. Glad you enjoyed the post! I do my best to back up what I say with links when possible, so that people can see for themselves if they are inclined.
