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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Snow and more snow - plus cold!

 "When you do anything from a clear judgment that it ought to be done, never shrink from being seen to do it, even though the world should misunderstand it; for if you are not acting rightly, shun the action itself; if you are, why fear those who wrongly censure you?" - Epictetus

I never knew that Cancel Culture was a thing during the Golden Age of Greece, until just now.  Good thing they didn't topple statues of unpopular leaders, or Greece would have no antiquities to display.

After a rainy November and early December, the snow has finally arrived, and along with it, some cold weather.  There is a Ford Explorer underneath all that snow.  I need to get a battery maintainer connected to this pretty quick or it will be a goner by spring.

I had to move my car at work so that the parking lot could be plowed.  Afterwards it got covered with even more snow.

And of course, there have been a few episodes of snow plowing.

Below: A trip to the dump, after pushing the county snow plow slop out of the driveway opening (left)

Below: Clearing a path out to the road

It's beautiful this time of year.  That more than makes up for the extra effort and expense that the snow and cold weather entail.  It's definitely a good idea to put on some woolies if you will be outdoors when it's down near zero.  Sitka clothing rocks, and so do thick wool socks!


Marc said...

And to think, it wasn't long ago you were almost complaining about the lack of snow. Sitka products are very good but a bit out of my budget. Sure wish we could get that kind of snow here. Of course I don't have to worry about such a long driveway. I do agree though, it is beautiful.

Mark said...

Yeah not quite complaining. More like concerned that there would be no snowpack in the mountains to refill the lakes come springtime. They draw the lakes down pretty low for hydro-power over the winter months.

To be honest I don't own much Sitka stuff, but it's really awesome. You can find some web discount sites that have deals. Still expensive, but not as bad as retail.

The snow is a hassle for sure, and sometimes it takes a couple of hours to deal with it all - not a great situation when you just finished a 12 hour shift. But yeah it's pretty.