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Monday, May 11, 2020

Charting the altitude of a barrel over Niagara Falls

I've got some graphs for ya.

I'll try to remember to give credit to those who made these charts, but I think most of them are already labeled.

Unemployment divided by Labor Force Participation rate.  Basically, how many people who want a job right now cannot get one... the worst number ever.  Courtesy Advisor Perspectives.

Unemployment during three different economic shocks.  Chart courtesy of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI).
The chart below, again from Advisor Perspectives, shows the percentage of Non-Farm jobs that are Service Jobs - as opposed to goods-producing (manufacturing) jobs.  Almost 84% of all non-farm jobs are in the service sector, so it's bad when we lose a lot of service sector jobs.

But we lost more service sector jobs than anything.

ECRI has leading indicators that they chart to show what direction the economy is likely heading.  It gives anywhere between 52 and 10 weeks advance notice - with a lot of false signals as well.  This one seems to be a strongest signal ever that the economy is in a nose-dive.

And lastly the stock market, which seems to be taking a lot of downright ghastly news as a sign things are looking up financially!

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