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Monday, May 13, 2024


"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - SunTzu

LOL everyone is failing badly at that...

Got some nice aurora photos finally.  I'm sure everyone has them all over social media, from the deep south to the nordic countries, including professional photographers.  I'll just put up a few that I took with my cell phone in night mode from the front walkway.

For the most part these didn't have much glow or color, except for the last few, in which you could see the red glow.  They looked like high up stratus clouds if you didn't know any better.   Still it was a magnificent display, and I've now been privileged to see one of nature's amazing wonders.

1 comment:

Marc said...

It's remains on my bucket list. Have heard the colors show up better in pictures than with the naked eye.