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Thursday, July 14, 2022

First ride of 2022

 "Restrict yourself to choice and refusal, and exercise them carefully, with discipline and detachment." - Epictetus

 A couple of days back, I rode to work for the first time this year.  I get passed by a lot of traffic because the bike emits cop pheromones.  They can't help but notice and try to find a reason to ticket or jail the owner.  The expression of shock when I remove my helmet and they see an OFG (Old F**king Guy) after being pulled over is priceless.

The first ride of the season is always a bit weird.  You've been off the bike so long that it's unfamiliar and it feels like you are going to screw up - the bike is powerful and everything seems awkward and unnatural.  Fortunately the ride was absolutely uneventful...

 ...Except for something unrelated to the ride in the wee hours of the morning, after we had taken the power plant offline - an unanticipated rainstorm accompanied by a spectacular electrical storm.  Fortunately since we had shut down, I was able to leave the control room and put the bike indoors.  Thankfully things had mostly ended and dried out by shift change.  Not a very auspicious start to the riding season, LOL.


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