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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Zero for Ten

 "If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment." - Marcus Aurelius

 Zero for Ten refers to my current a win/loss ratio with regard to seeing the Northern Lights (aka Aurora Borealis).  There was supposed to be a really good display last night, but at 9:30 when I was able to get to a good dark spot with a clear view to the north, there was nothing to see.  

I wasn't able to stay up any later than that, as I had to get up again at 4:00 AM to get ready for work.  I'm sure there will be some great photos on the front page of the local newspaper - taken by people with a better view and more time than I have.  Sigh...

This may just be one of those bucket list items that will never get checked off.


Marc said...

That's on my bucket list too. Just too much light from the city for me to see it. Could travel to a high point but it isn't safe after dark.

Mark said...

Yeah I thought of that too, but didn't feel like driving up some twisty old logging road in the middle of the night.