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Wednesday, September 06, 2023

How Green is Germany, anyway?

 "Since every man dies, it is better to die with distinction than to live long." - Musonius Rufus

 We really do live in clown world, don't we?  

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I read the article below.

In Clean Energy Backslide, Germany Ditches Wind Farm for Coal Mine Expansion

If you don't feel like following the link, it's this:  Germany is expanding an open-pit brown coal (lignite) mine.  To do so, it had to dismantle several wind turbine generators.  Lignite is very low-quality coal and has poor energy content, so you have to burn a great deal more of it than anthracite or bituminous coal to get equivalent energy - and thus more Carbon Dioxide per Megawatt of power.  Insanity.

Which is not to say that these windmills are capable of producing the power that this low-quality coal would.  It's just ironic that such a "green" leaning country wouldn't see the poor optics of this move.

This is the same country that shut down its three nuclear power plants years before they were ready to be retired, in the midst of an energy shortage brought on by the loss of the Nordstream natural gas pipeline.  This is the opposite of caring for the planet.  Germany is being governed by a coalition dominated by the "Green Party".  In what world does a "green" politician release more CO2 and destroy wind farms and nuclear?  Clown World.


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