Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Reality Check

 "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad" - Sophocles

Today's quote is from a play by Greek playwright Sophocles, In latin - Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat - which translates literally to "Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason."

Just a brief comment on what seems to be an ongoing case of mass hysteria/delusion, and the Kubler-Ross grief cycle...

As a reminder:

 I have no idea whether the following screenshot is true - maybe it is.  If so, kudos to Mr. Reiner.  He's already at stage six in coming to grips with his recognition of non-Hollywood America's reality.  

Rob Reiner, for those who are unaware, is a very talented movie director and once played the role of "Meathead" in the sitcom "All in the Family".  I would imagine that he's a very decent guy, but one who has *never* in his life been exposed to the harsh realities of our modern economy - the loss of a moderate-pay job, or our hideously expensive and inequitable healthcare system.  As such, he's probably more concerned about the personality of his president, as opposed to actual (or merely promised) policies.

I also suspect that he's unaware that a politician with a slogan that promises to "Make America Great Again" - imagine steel mills and auto factories humming with activity - will outperform a politician with a slogan that says "Choose Joy".

Just an observation from a guy with a 12th grade Idaho education.  I may not have a Hollywood pedigree or a college degree, but I have bruises from a lifetime in the work force, and therefore saw this coming.

Lest anyone get the idea that I'm choosing sides - I am not.  I am completely checked out politically. 

However I am a student of society, human behavior, and on behalf of my family's well-being - reality.

This sort of thing is happening throughout the Western world.  Governments have become very unaccountable to their populations, and since they have to hold elections, the people are attempting to hold their governments to account again.  

In Germany it's the AfD, which the government is attempting to ban.  In Romania, it's a politician named Georgescu, a guy that the elites considered a fringe, unelectable candidate.  He promised a reduction in immigration and getting the country out of supporting a needless war in neighboring Ukraine.  

***UPDATE*** And just like that, the election in Romania was nullified - not because of any voting irregularities, but because people voted for the "wrong candidate".

Go figure.  The people who will actually have to fight, die, and be maimed in wars don't really like them. 

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