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Monday, September 14, 2020

Public Service Announcement: YouTube to mp3 converter!

I was recently informed of a very handy website that will take a YouTube video and make a compressed audio .mp3 file from it.  This is super cool, because there are a lot of songs on YouTube.  I suppose you could listen to a recorded interview too, but that's not my thing.  Anyway, here is the converter web address.  Just copy/paste the URL of the YouTube video you want an audio file made of and it will offer up the .mp3 for you to download.   

EDIT:  Thanks to a comment, I have another link to a converter service.  This one is called YouConvert.  I haven't tried it yet, but have no reason to believe it isn't as good or better than the one I mentioned above.

Now for some cool new tunes...

I probably should have known about the Dixie Dregs long ago - I'm not sure why I never knew about them until now.  They are an instrumental early 80's-presents Jazz/Rock Fusion band, and they were the group that brought legendary guitarist Steve Morse to fame.  They have some really amazing and complex arrangements.  I recently bought three of their albums and ripped them to mp3. Very cool music!

Next up, the Pogues.  These guys are funny, silly, and different.  To be honest, I can hardly understand the vocalist - he might as well be singing in another language.

And Eleuvietie, a bit of Celtic Death-Metal to brighten your day. Abba meets Riverdance meets Gojira.

Speaking of Gojira, they have a cool new tune out - Another world.  Cool guitar work, and phenomenal drums fills!

A ground-breaking album in its day:  Dave Brubeck - Time Out.  It has some really neat time signatures.


YouConvert said...

What about the YouConvert? Did you know about this website ? Is converting youtube to mp3 in seconds. Files are 320kbps quality . Check out youtube to mp3 converter - youconvert

Mark said...

Thank you for stopping by and offering an alternative service! I'm happy to mention you in the main post!